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Shit Sarah Says

It isn't hard to believe that Sarah Palin has endorsed Republican candidate just hours after her son was arrested on charges of fourth-degree assault, interfering with the report of a domestic violence crime and possession of a firearm while intoxicated. Palin didn't let troubles from home stop her in making a speech that, some may say, will dumb you down a notch.

Twitter exploded with #SarahPalin, highlighting all the inconsistent stupidity that Iowans had to listen to. (click on tweet to folow)

The following are actual statements made by Sarah Palin.

You can read the entire speech trascript here.

“No more pussy footin’ around! Our troops deserve the best, you deserve the best!"

“He is from the private sector, not a politician, can I get a “Hallelujah!” Where, in the private sector, you actually have to balance budgets in order to prioritize, to keep the main thing, the main thing, and he knows the main thing: a president is to keep us safe economically and militarily." Except she forgot about his four bankruptcies...

“His candidacy, which is a movement, it’s a force, it’s a strategy. It proves, as long as the politicos, they get to keep their titles, and their perks, and their media ratings, they don’t really care who wins elections. Believe me on this."

Here, she came up with a new Republican slogan that perfectly summarizes what it means to be a republican. "How ‘bout the rest of us? Right wingin’, bitter clingin’, proud clingers of our guns, our god, and our religions, and our Constitution. "

"And now though, to be lectured that, “Well, you guys are all sounding kind of angry,” is what we’re hearing from the establishment. Doggone right we’re angry! Justifiably so! Yes! You know, they stomp on our neck, and then they tell us, “Just chill, okay just relax.” Well, look, we are mad, and we’ve been had. They need to get used to it."

"And he tells us Joe six packs, he said, “You know, I’ve worked very, very hard. And I’ve succeeded. Hugely I’ve succeeded,” he says. And he says, “I want you to succeed too.” And that is refreshing, because he, as he builds things, he builds big things, things that touch the sky, big infrastructure that puts other people to work."

"And you’re ready to stop the race-baiting and the division based on color and zip code, to unify around the right issues. The issues important to me, or I wouldn’t be endorsing him. Pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, strict constitutionality. Those things that are unifying values and their time-tested truths involved." BUT, back in the 90's, Trump was Pro-choice which makes you think that he has changed his views to suit the Republican Party.

Poor Tina Fey will have to memorize all this crap...

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